Thursday, January 14, 2010

Your African Country Project

Your African Country Power Point Project
Each slide should contain the information listed below. Each slide is worth 10 points.
This Project is due next week.

Slide 1
name of your country
your name
Technology Integration Class
Mrs. Jefferson

Slide 2
Your country's flag
description of flag
what each symbol means

Slide 3
President of your country
photo of the president

Slide 4
Information about your country
photo of your country or map
your country's capitol

Slide 5
natural resources
what does your country export

Slide 6
your country's cuisine
what foods are available
people's diet

Slide 7
people from your country
photos of people from your country

Slide 8
your country's culture and customs

Slide 9
Places to visit in your country

Slide 10
websites about your country
references and resources

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