Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Technology Time Machine

Students, go to this website and study the Technology Time. Make sure you learn what year each technology item was invented. www.growing.course.com/level_5/time/index.html


andre said...

i learned about time travel on techonolgy from 1935 to 1995

andre said...

today was fun in technology class

andre said...

what i learned today will most likely help me on the test.

Anonymous said...

i learned about the lord jesus christ

Randy Yearby Jr. said...

I lerned about different people made and inventing different things.

davidaka lil d said...

i did not know how much we have inproved technology over the years and i'm greatful to know how much we'ved improved and i thank every one and thing that's helped us

Ayanna Baker said...

I think the time line really helped me with the techoloy history.

Kia Freeman said...

The topic is climate and land and there are 4 students invold and i liked because it is interasting

kia freeman said...

miya go wit kyree